Polykala Technologies
Novel materials for clean energy and water!
We are hiring a Scientist and an Engineer!

New Products for Sale: NdFeB strong magnets for sale.
Electro-spun polyimide membrane filter media, 1 micron and 3 micron pore sizes. Portable PFAS-removal water treatment products.

Critical Materials
Rare earth metals and oxides are produced from recycling. Nd, Sm, Dy, Pr, Y, Yb, La and Ce are available for sale.
Funded by U.S. DOE SBIR Phase 2.
The technology also applies to Co, Ni, Mn and noble metals (Ru, Ph, Pd, Pt) recovery.
ReMagnet is our new trademark.

Catalyst Manufacturing
Our single-atom catalyst preparation technology revolutionize catalyst manufacturing industry.
Custom-made catalysts are available for sale.

PFAS-Removal Products
PFAS-Selective Membrane/Mat,
Sorbents, filters, undercounter filters.
Partially sponsored by U.S. EPA.
EPA Reports Links: https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract_id/10965; https://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract_id/11063.